test..teet! haha

Haha..haha..Ak jumpa pun password..haha..Try dulu..genap 2 tahun sdh ak x men blog..reason blog ne wujud pun sbb nak bt esemen subjek ap ar..ak tgok byak plak kwan2 ak men blog..crita2 pasl hdup dorg..ak slama ne jd stalker..haha..baca blog org mlam2..sunyi gle hdup..haha..pas ak try cri blik password, jumpa..bagus.!Ok..

Update hidup ak setakat ne Pas 2 tahun blog ne mati :-
+ak makin besar..tp besar d certain2 part..not entirely
+ak bleh kata ak sudah knal hidup cket..dlam 20%..same with my age..as the saying goes, as we mature, our life mature with us..haha..ad ka?
+i've taste love, not the monkey one..but love..well, i'm in it now..and i love her..tp, 2 cite lain..nnt dulu..blum smpai..
+ak pun x tau knpa ak mau mnulis menaip plak jam 5.55 pg ne..haha..mgkin sbb smua ap yg ak besa surf di internet ni ak da surf..haha
+ok, ak d IIUM skrg, ambik kos ICT, bachelor in Information Technology..ak pun kdg2 x pahm ap ak blajar..but life goes on..whatever happen..unless you die..seriously..
+so, what else..i think i'm still the same person..but with different experience..
+past two years make me,,,how do i want to put this delicately..so-so person..i've been bad enough..and i've been not good enough..not so-so..60-40..how do you say that? haha..some sort of? right? haha.. i think..
+well, me and my family still in good health..mitak2 smpai bila2..amin..so for those who would like to ask, my answer will be..I'm good..and you? haha
+i kind of loving my lifestyle here in semenanjung..walaupun ak mac x makn ikan sungai..tp, ak adapt dgan makann kat cne really well..ak nak taip slang org sbah oun a litte bit hard..not that i'm saying that i'm proud i can speak semenanjung slang with e in every a-ended word..no, i'm just saying..i'm comfortable here..just as i'm comfortable in SABAH..(see, i press SHIFT when i type the word SABAH, i just did it again..that, i guess prove that i'm am stil SABAH BAI 2!!!!)
+i kind of like to live in the moment..you get me? it means, i would like to experience every moment that i suppose to cherish, hate or anything..eventhough the feeling sometimes want you to just knocked someone in the kapla..haha
+so today, at 6.12 am, da 20 feb da..lajunya..hbis da feb..lg 10 hri..
+pnjg gla entry pertama ak..hahahaha..i don't know why..but i everytime i said something, regardless of funny, or sad or even ridiculous i still want to type in the HAHA word..haha..see..haha..again..stop it!..last2..haha..maybe it just show that i'm one of those guys..who can't live without haha..not huhu for me..for you gusy..mungkin pkai huhu..ak x..haha..ak pkai haha je..haha..kn?

byak ak mau taip dan abadikan(ceh!) dlam blog ne..but, like jordin sparks song, take
one step at a time..no need to rush..

so, azan pun sdah pgil..sudah subuh bg kwasn gombak dan kawsn yg sewaktu dgnnya..mari, mandi dlu..haha..spa2 yg bca psot ne tym subuh2..pas2 rasa mcam mau mandi, ak pham..p mandi..ap org kata...bg btul3 suci kn?.. man tau..hahahahahaha..